Dental crown


Dental health is one of the biggest contributors in a person being and looking healthy. We spend a lot of time and money visiting dentists to get our teeth done. There are many procedures to make our teeth whiter, stronger, and healthier. Dental crown is definitely a good option to protect and restore a weak tooth and of course for cosmetic modification too.

What is a dental crown?

Dental crown is a tooth shaped “cap” that is placed over a tooth to cover the tooth to restore its shape and size, strength and also can be used to improve its appearance. When the crown is cemented into place, it will fully encase the entire visible portion of a tooth that lies at and above the gum line.

What is a dental crown?

  1. To protect and restore a weak tooth for example due to huge decay/cavity, broken tooth, worn out tooth and etc.
  2. To cover and support a tooth with a large filling when there isn’t a lot of tooth structure left.
  3. To cover a tooth which is not in shape or a severely discoloured tooth.
  4. To cover a dental implant.
  5. To make cosmetic modification.
  6. For children, the crown is used in case of decayed/carious tooth, which cannot be supported by fillings. It is also used to protect baby tooth which is of high risk of decay/caries. Most recommended type of crown is stainless steel crown.

Types of dental crown

  1. Stainless steel crown
    • It is cost effective and has good strength.
    • Un-aesthetic.
  2. Porcelain fused to metal
    • It looks great as it looks similar to the actual tooth as the crown is covered by porcelain on the top of a metal layer. The aesthetic is fair.
    • The metal underlying the crown’s porcelain can show through as a dark line, especially at the gum line and even more so if your gums recede. Besides that, there are possibilities for the porcelain to be chipped.
  3. All ceramic/all porcelain crown and zirconia crowns
    • It is highly aesthetic therefore it matches the appearance of a natural tooth. It is suitable for patients with metal allergic. All-ceramic crowns are designed to be the best balance of beauty and strength. They are the marvel of modern cosmetic dentistry. This will ensure that you get your money’s worth which means the cost is a deal breaker.
    Get your tooth/teeth done. We are always available to assist and help you in your dental needs. Don’t hesitate to call us.